Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our "band's" first take of After midnite rhythm

Here's our recent first basic take of the after midnight, my sorry ass on the bass:
After midnite basic track
We haven't played it before or since, nor have any of us played it in a band before. Next time we get together, there will be vocals and solos and things. But most likely I won't be posting the full version. The video photo is from JJ tour this year (taken by me).

Being a JJ fan, I always liked this slower version, compared to the original 1960s faster version, or the Eric Clapton version of that. The laid back groove is what draws me in!

Anyway, After midnight is in a sense the most important JJ song, it's the one that kick started his career as solo performer and song writer. The lyric bit "After midnight, we gonna let it all hang out" was heard by JJ on some club gig.

Tab to this song is available on line at many places:"after+midnight"
But I have actually never played it by that tab, nor do I know if it's accurate etc.

It's easiest to think of the song being in sections of 4 bars:
So there basically two differing 4-bar phrases, and the 16 bars goes like this: the first phrase is played twice, then the second phrase once, and then again the first phrase once. And then back to the top... repeat forever as needed, or until the soufflé falls flat on it's face. :D

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